Saturday 17 April 2010


A long time ago, there was a young woman who had nice parents. Her dad was a regular human being, but her mum was a witch. Because of this, she would never get old. There was a man who had different parents also. They met each other, and after a while they fell in love and got married.

After a year, the girl had a baby boy. They really loved their son. One day, the father took his son to go hunting for a deer using a bow and narrow. Accidentally, the son shot the arrow in the wrong direction and killed his own father. He went crazy, and when he told his mother about this, she was really mad with him. His mother hit him on the head with a rock and kicked him out of the house.

Several years later, the mother finally found another man. They fell in love. The man wanted to marry her. After the man took a shower, he asked her to brush his hair. While she was brushing his hair, she saw a mark on his head. She asked him what happened since he had a mark on his head. He said, “I was hit by my mother”. She really was disturbed by this, but she just kept quiet because she knew that was her own son. Her son still didn’t know that she was his own mother. She decided not to marry him, but the man kept forcing her to marry him.

Finally, she made a deal with the man. The deal was she would marry him, but first he had to build a ship and it needed to be done before the sun rose. He started building the ship. He built it by himself because he had half of her witch power. When she found out that the ship would be done soon, and it would be done before sunrise, she woke all the chickens and made the chickens start crowing. When the son heard the crow of the chickens, he was really sad because he thought he hadn’t finished the ship before the sun rose. He realized that he was not going to marry her, so he kicked the ship with all his power. They ended up going separate ways.


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