Saturday 17 April 2010


Once upon a time, there were three bears, a papa bear, a mama bear and a baby bear. Once day, the three bears sat down to breakfast, “This porridge is too hot”, said baby bear. “Let’s go for a walk”, said mama bear, “When we come back, our porridge will be just right”.

Along come goldilocks. She walked in to the house. She saw three bowls of porridge. “This is too hot”, said goldilocks. “This is too cold”, said goldilocks. “This is just right”, said goldilocks and she ate it all up.

Then goldilocks went into living room. She saw three chairs. “This is too hard”, said goldilocks. Goldilocks felt tired. She went to the bedroom. She saw three beds. “This bed is too hard, this bed is too soft”, said goldilocks. And she fell fast a sleep.

The three bears came home. They went into the kitchen. “Someone has been eating my porridge”, said papa bear. The three bears went into the living room. “Someone has been sitting in my chair!” said papa bear. And three bears went into the bed room. “Someone has been sleeping in my bed and here she is!”

Goldilocks woke up. She saw three angry bears looking at her. Goldilocks jumped out of bed. She ran out of the house. And she never came back again.


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